(817) 598-0663 OR TEXT (817)438-0179
(817) 598-0663 OR TEXT (817)438-0179
You can go to any of the pages and click on the "apply Now" button. We can text you a link to the online application or you can come by our office and fill out a paper application.
The application fee is $50 per adult that will be living in the apartment.
Our deposits start at $700 and go up, depending on property.
*Deposits are subject to change
All adults, 18 years of age and over, must present photo ID and complete an application. The income requirements are 3 times the amount of rent (gross monthly income). We will verify your rental history and employment and well as run a background check. These and other background checks, help determine your ability to pat rent on time and to take care of the property.
Typically it takes 2-3 business days after we receive all requested documents from you. In some cases where your current or previous landlord delays the rental verification or your employer delays employment verification, it could take longer than that.
No. We do not allow subleasing .
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